Episode 14 - Interview with Dr. Webb

Episode 14 – Interview with Dr. Webb

Welcome to the Leaderquest Podcast. This season will consist of interviews conducted for the Building With Purpose Conference I held back in May. This is Episode 14 – Interview with Dr. Webb

If you failed to register for the full course, stay tuned for the rest of season two! I’ve got interviews coming up with each of the contributors. You’ll be able to glean wisdom from them and apply them in ways to grow yourself and your business.

For the conference, I assembled a diverse team of business professionals to examine the stay at home order and how we can achieve maximum productivity and success while in quarantine.

This is Episode 14 – Interview with Dr. Webb. Episode 14 - Interview with Dr. Webb

My Interview with Dr. Juanita Webb

In this episode, I’m having a conversation with Dr. Juanita Webb, a workplace consultant with specializations in human resources. She brings decades of experience, is a licensed investigator, serves on hr boards, and has contributed to the advances of human resources in Kern County and beyond.

Be sure to subscribe, leave a comment, and share with someone who could benefit.

What’s one takeaway you have from  Episode 14 and Interview with Dr. Webb from the Building With Purpose Conference?

I’m amazed at the knowledge she brings to the table in the quickly changing world of Human Resources. While that is true at any time, the quickly changing rules and COVID and the stay at home order have quickly exaggerated that change.

Want more leadership tips? Be sure to check out the blog or #NextSteps Coaching on YouTube.

Episode 13 Podcast Cover

LeaderQuest Podcast Season 2

Welcome to the Leaderquest Podcast. I’m thrilled to get season two underway. This season will consist of interviews conducted for the Building With Purpose Conference I held back in May.

If you failed to register for the full course, stay tuned! I’ve got interviews coming up with each of the authors. You’ll be able to glean wisdom from them and apply it in ways to grow yourself and your business. Episode 13 Podcast Cover

LeaderQuest Podcast Episode – 13

In today’s episode, I’m having a conversation with Anastasia Button, a workplace consultant with specializations in workplace culture, Millennials, and integrating healthy work systems.

Be sure to subscribe, leave a comment, and share with someone who could benefit.

What’s one takeaway you have from the interview?


Want more leadership tips? Be sure to check out the blog or #NextSteps Coaching on YouTube.

LeaderQuest Podcast Cover Art

Small Business Celebration

I had the amazing honor of being on the Small Business Celebration podcast last week.

We talked about goals, New Year’s Resolutions, Business, why everyone (even a coach) needs a coach!

I also talked about “the rocks.” We’ve all got them, and I’ll teach you how to leverage them to get the most out of life.

It’s an amazing podcast and Michael is doing great work. I was humbled to be a part of his amazing lineup of speakers. Small Business Celebration Logo

There are three things I’d love for you to do to support the work Michael is doing:

1.) Subscribe to his podcast.

2.) Give my episode a listen. 

3.) Leave a comment. Here, on iTunes, Michael’s website, LinkedIn. Anywhere. Everywhere. It all matters and it will help him grow the work he is doing. LeaderQuest Podcast Cover Art

A Growing Community

Speaking of podcasts, season two of the LeaderQuest Podcast  is gearing up. This will include a similar format to season one, but I’m growing my guest list. If you’ve got an idea of someone you want to see on my podcast, please let me know!

I’m excited for what season two has to offer and know that it will bring a lot of value and benefit to your life. I’m also aware that it could be even better. Leave me your thoughts and feedback (and a 5-star review wouldn’t hurt either!).



Five Emotional Warning Signs of Overwhelm

On this week’s podcast, Elise and I are talking about the five emotional warning signs of overwhelm.

These are clues to help you (or someone you know) who may be struggling with being overworked and overcommitted.

Experiencing emotions is good and throughout the course of the day, we will experience a lot of them. These are warning signs for when these emotions are either our default mode of response or an unrelenting presence in our lives.

This podcast includes five emotional warning signs and some insights on how to fight against the tide of overwhelm.

My new ebook is scheduled soon for release. To receive a free chapter out of the book, sign up for my email newsletter.

As always, thank you for listening! I really appreciate it.

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3 Strategies for Increased Success

Welcome to this week’s episode of the LeaderQuest Podcast. This week, we are talking about 3 strategies for increased success.

We are all going to experience frustration, setback, and a lack of motivation. Those that are able to push through those feelings and pursue their goals and dreams are those that will find success.

Some of it is about mindset. Knowing what you’re pursuing is vitally important.

But another part of the equation is knowing how to work smarter, not harder.

Today’s episode tackles that component.

Here are three things you can do to find success in the daily grind of life, business, family, and dream chasing.

As always, thank you for listening! I really appreciate it.
Please be sure to like, share, leave a comment, and turn on notifications to keep aware of upcoming events, live streams, and new video releases.
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