We’re one day into the new year.
Be honest: how are those resolutions going?
I had a conversation with someone yesterday who was committed to being healthy in the new year but was already leery of how close Valentine’s Day was.
On new years day, they were worried about how a holiday 45 days in the future, was going to effect today.
Less than one day.
That’s exactly how long it took to waiver on their commitment.
Don’t Be A Statistic
According to some research, upwards of80 percent of us will fail at our new year resolutions by February. Our commitments to eat better, sleep more, focus on the right things, exercise, and spend more time with loved ones are often token words.
We know the right answer, but we fail to experience the transformation we long for.
First, there is a lack of clarity. “Losing weight” is pretty vague. Instead, plan on losing “ten pounds by March 1.” It’s clear, definable, and action-oriented.
Second, it’s an arbitrary date. While January 1 looks nice, it’s no more an effective date July 7 or September 10. In fact, based on the (usually) poor weather conditions and limited sunlight, it may actually be a worse time to start your goals.
Third, those committed to self-improvement do it as soon as they discover a weakness. In my work with high-performers, I can always tell the level of seriousness in a potential client by how they treat their self-improvement. Those who are ready usually take little to no prompting from me. We’ll talk about a subject, figure out an action plan, and they are off and running. In contrast, those that take a while to decide, need to spend some time “thinking about it” or “will get back to me” never actually make real change. They like the idea of change, they know they should change, but they rarely (if ever) do.
Think Different
In August of 1997, Steve Jobs urged us to “Think Different.”
It worked for Apple. It works for us too.
If you want to be someone that breaks the trend of failed new years resolutions, here are my top three tips to “Think Different” and experience success.
1.) Set clear, definable goals.
2.) Do one thing every day to get better.
3.) Get clear on your why, not just your what.
While it may have taken my friend one day to falter, that doesn’t have to be the case with you.
Be the exception.
Be different.
Think different.
Do different.
Experience Success.