Happy November. We’ve got sixty days left this year to make a difference. What are your commitments?
Time Passes By
As my kids get older, time seems to be moving by more quickly. In what feels like an overnight change, we’ve left the diaper stage and are six months away from our first teenager. Even our children are starting to notice. Recently, my oldest son said, “Dad, I can’t believe it’s the end of July already. Kind of feel like summer’s over and we should start planning for Christmas.”
Does anyone else feel like that? The passage of time marches on, whether or not we’re ready for it. More than seasons, dates, and calendars, I’m sure you also notice changes in your own life. All of a sudden you look up and realize that there are only sixty days left in this year.
2022 is knocking on the door. We all know how quickly the holiday season flies by so it will be here before you know it. What’s your plan?
60 Days
2021 only has 60 days left.
9 weeks.
1440 hours
86,400 minutes.
In an instant, it will all be over and you’ll be wanting to set new years goals.
Why wait?
You have 9 Monday’s left to make progress on your goals.
9 Mondays left to do something of significance.
9 Mondays left to radically shape and influence your future.
If you’re sitting around waiting for something, conisder this your wake up call.