What does it mean to spend your life showing up as your authentic self?
Anastasia Button gives us great insight here.
Building With Purpose
This excerpt is a part of the FREE online conference I’m hosting called Building With Purpose. This course will help you pivot during this time of social distancing and working from home.
For many of us, it’s a new experience. These experts will help you gain clarity and momentum and experience success.
To sign up for the conference, go here.
Registration is completely free and is currently open.
In this conference, we hear from leading experts in:
- Coaching
- Business Consulting
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Digital Marketing
- And more
If you’re interested in starting or growing a business or even just wondering how to maximize your time and what to do next, enroll in the free conference.
To follow up, I’m offering all attendees a complimentary session.
To redeem your session, go here.
Showing Up As Your Authentic Self
Showing up as your authentic self is vital for success, productivity, and happiness. What Anastasia reminds us is that the world is waiting for us to embrace our true identity and calling.
Take a listen to her whole presentation once you register, but I’d love to give you three things you can do to show up authentically in life.
1.) Know Your Values
This will come up again in the conference, but knowing your values and beliefs is vital. Gain clarity on what matters and why so that you can experience true transformation.
2.) Express Vulnerability
This is something Anastasia highlights. When we are vulnerable, people resonate. We don’t have to have it all figured out all of the time. Embrace uncertainty and choose to act anyway.
3.) Find Ways To Contribute
Especially as success-oriented high achievers, we must be looking for ways to make contributions. Contribute content to the conversation, don’t simply consume it from others.